JM Cyrus
Wordsmith, purveyor of tales, speculator of fiction, explorer of worlds uncreated, discoverer through the mists of imagination.I make things up and write them down.
Free to read βοΈ
Subscription/purchase needed πShort Stories
βοΈ"A Song Amongst the Prayer Ribbons" Springtime Fair, a special spring equinox issue from Hearth Stories (spring 2025) (free to download)
βοΈ"Cradled Amongst the Roots" Baubles From Bones: Issue 4 (2025)
π "How to Cross the Cavorting Seaβs Wandering Islands During the Fourth Dance of the Widdershins Elliptical Cycle", Black Cat Weekly #161 (2024)
βοΈ"All the Times I Thought I was Pregnant", Liar's League: Women & Girls #8 (2024) (watch on YouTube) (listen to the podcast)
βοΈ "A Mouthful of Prayers", Carmina Magazine: September (2024)
π "Lost in the Shape of You", Necronomi-Romcom: Where Mythos Meets Cute, Light Volume, an anthology from Transformations by Obsidian Butterfly (2024) (ebook and paperback) (omnibus hardback)
βοΈ"Malus Domestica Aurum", Eternal Haunted Summer: Summer Solstice Volume, Gardens (2024)
π "A Play Among the Ruins", Gwyllion: Rhifyn 8 / Volume 8 (2024) (digital download) (print copy)
βοΈ "Honey for Breakfast", AntipodeanSF: Issue 307 (2024) (listen to the podcast)
βοΈ "I Will Give You A Crown of Gems to Wear", Swords and Sorcery: Issue 146 (2024)
π "A Star, a Stone, a Sculpture, a Sculptor", All Worlds Wayfarer: Volume XVIII (2024)
π "You and Me, Here and There, Now and Then and When", Luna Station Quarterly, Issue 057 (2024) (reviewed by SFF Reviews)
βοΈ "Repercussions", Inner Worlds: Issue 2 (2024)
βοΈ "The Heart Beneath the Soil and the Water", Aphelion Magazine (2024)
βοΈ "Beneath the Light of the Gibbous Moon", CommuterLit (2024)
π "By the Blades of Grass and Knife", Yule: A Collection of Yule Time Tales, an anthology from Speculation Publications (2023) (ebook) (paperback) (extract of my piece)
βοΈ "Hum If You Don't Know the Words", Honeyguide Literary Magazine: Issue 7, October (2023)
βοΈ "The Wind Will Call Me Over Land, Coast and Sea", Orion's Beau: Fall 2023, the Transformation and the Power of Love Issue (2023)
βοΈ "The Traveling Fayre of SeΓ±or Monteluz Comes to the Occidental Archipelago", Swords and Sorcery: Issue 140 (2023)
βοΈ "Let It All Melt Away", AntipodeanSF: Issue 300 (2023) (listen to the podcast)
"Like A Breath In Another Room", Flint Vol. 2: Wish, by Erro Press (2023) (publication closed)
βοΈ "Jane is Called", AntipodeanSF: Issue 298 (2023) (listen to the podcast)
βοΈ "Citizen Apparent", Sci-Fi Shorts (2023)Upcoming
"A Solitary Walk", Penumbric Speculative Fiction Magazine (spring 2025)
"Let Me Take a Look at You", Corvid Queen (summer 2025)
"Submissions Guidelines for Refractions Thirdly", Close to the Bone Publishing
"Feathers of Memory", Backyard Earth, an anthology from The Patchwork RavenA short story is a view through a keyhole in a locked door into a walled garden.Poetry
π "As the Crow Flies" Space and Time: Fall/Winter #147 (2024)
π "Across the Line", Utopia Science Fiction: June/July (2024)
π "A Call To Arms", Anna Karenina Isn't Dead (2024), an anthology from Improbable Press, available in paperback and ereader - this one bears the title of my first ever submission, right at the beginning of 2023. It set the bar high in terms of my expectations of both acceptance rate and editorial kindness
π "Umbilicus Cosmicum", Star*Line Speculative Poetry: Issue 47.1 (2024)
π "First", Utopia Science Fiction: Oct/Nov (2023)
βοΈ "Let's go to the seaside", Medusa's Kitchen (2023)
βοΈ "Lend me a book", Medusa's Kitchen (2023)Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.Other
Five recipes in Cursed Cooking: A Horror Community Cookbook and Food Horror Anthology by Cat Eye Press LLC (available direct from publisher in ebook and hardback, as well as on Amazon)
I don't use social media, so if you'd like to reach me, please send me an email.
jmcyrus dot writer at gmail dot comOr send me a tip!I'm considering a newsletter, though. Subscribe here!